
Once a month we sit down with an expert to exchange ideas, discover new aspects or imagine the natural world that we may not see every day in the Park, but we know it´s out there, undisturbed, in its wildlife. We share these working notes to educate ourselves on a particular topic thanks to the expert point of view of our guests.
We call it the Experts Blog.

Yaguareté Project: “the recovery of the species is possible”

By Iguazú Argentina
17 de December 2019 • Por Iguazú Argentina

On November 29, members of the “Yaguareté Project” - where the efforts of Argentine researchers of the Institute of Subtropical Biology (UNaM-CONICET), the team of the Onças do Iguaçu Project of Brazil (PNI-ICMBio) and the Foundation join Wildlife...

When research becomes protection: Yaguareté Project

By Iguazú Argentina
9 de November 2019 • Por Iguazú Argentina

In the Iguazu Falls National Park live different species of native fauna, among them the Yaguareté (Panthera onca) that is one of the five species of felids of the American continent. It is the third largest in the world, after the tiger (Panthera tigris)...