Visiting the Iguazu Falls National Park is always an exciting and unique experience. We help you prepare your trip for a hassle-free adventure. This information will help you fully enjoy every moment in the Park.

  • Rates+

    Second consecutive day 50% off.


    AR$ 35.000

    National Residents

    AR$ 10.000

    Provincial residents

    AR$ 4.000

    National retirees and pensioners, local residents and visitors with disabilities


    Full Moon Walk - Adult

    AR$ 85.000

    Full Moon Walk - Children

    AR$ 42.500

    Full Moon Walk - Children


    At the end of the first day of your visit, revalidate your tickets to obtain a 50% discount for the second consecutive day.
    You must present a valid ID or Passport. The residence address that appears on the identity document will determine the rate that applies for the entrance fee.
    Students, retirees and people with disabilities must show valid supporting documentation.

    You can also purchase the entrance tickets at the Park's tickets offices in cash (in Argentine pesos), with a credit or debit card.

    Parking per day

    Mopeds and motorcycles

    AR$ 2500


    AR$ 5000


    AR$ 7500

    Buses and mobile homes

    AR$ 10000

    Local vehicles

    AR$ 2500
  • Tips & Tricks+

    • 1. How do I get to Puerto Iguazu?

      • Jorge Newbery Airport> Cataratas Del Iguazu International Airport
      • Ezeiza International Airport> Cataratas Del Iguazu International Airport
      • El Palomar Airport> Cataratas Del Iguazu International Airport
      • Buses from Retiro Bus Terminal> Puerto Iguazu City Bus Terminal
      • Private vehicles by RN 14
      • Terminal Rodoviário Internacional de Foz do Iguaçu> Puerto Iguazu city bus terminal
      • Private vehicles by Tancredo Neves International Bridge
      • Ciudad del Este Bus Terminal> Puerto Iguazu City Bus Terminal
      • Private vehicles for the Friendship International Bridge
    • 2. ¿Cómo llegar al Parque?

      Se puede llegar en transporte público, mediante la empresa de transporte Río Uruguay, la cual ofrece el servicio de traslado desde el Hito Tres Fronteras o desde la Terminal de Puerto Iguazú, que tiene servicios hasta el Parque cada 20 min. todos los días del año. 

      Podés optar por venir en auto/ taxi mediante la Av. Victoria Aguirre- RN 12- RN 101- Acceso a Cataratas.


    • 3.What days and at what time does the Park open?

      Currently, the Park is open every day of the year from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    • 4. ¿Cómo compro el ticket para ingresar?

      Actualmente las entradas se adquieren únicamente de forma anticipada a través de la web, en

      Allí eliges el horario y el día en el que deseas venir.


    • 5.Is it mandatory that I hire a guide to visit the Park?

      No, it is not mandatory to hire a guide to visit the Park. In any case, we recommend that you request a guide at the entrance to the Park when you arrive, to enjoy your visit more.

    • 6. ¿Puedo visitar el Parque en épocas de pandemia?

      Sí. Actualmente el Parque se encuentra abierto y cumple con todos los protocolos de bioseguridad que son necesarios para brindarte una experiencia emocionante y segura.

    • 7.¿Qué protocolos o medidas obligatorias debo cumplir durante mi visita?

      Por tu seguridad y la de todos, es obligatorio que utilices barbijo o tapabocas en todo momento durante tu paseo, que mantengas la distancia social y que mantengas constantemente las manos higienizadas con alcohol en gel.

    • 8.Perdí un objeto en el Parque, ¿cómo puedo encontrarlo?

      Si perdiste un objeto en el Parque, debes comunicarte con Objetos Perdidos del Centro Operativo Cataratas (COC), ubicado en el acceso. También puedes comunicarte llamando al +543757420180 o enviando un email a

    • 9.What are the ways of touring the Park?

      From Iguazú Argentina we recommend that you organize your visit to the Park with a minimum of two days, to take advantage of the activities and attractions that the Park offers you.


      Day 1

      Upper Circuit + Devil's Throat + Ecological Train of the Jungle + Restaurant La Selva

      Average travel time: 5hs.


      Day 2

      For your second day of visit, we recommend the following options:

      1) Lower Circuit

      This tour allows you to enter the deepest part of the Paraná jungle to live unique moments.

      Average travel time: 1hs. 30 min.


      2) Great Adventure

      To hire this excursion, you must check with

      Average travel time: 2hs. 30 min.


      Day 3

      1) Macuco Trail + Arrechea Fall.

      Average travel time: 2hs. 30 min.


      2) Ecological Trip

      To make this excursion, you must check with

      Average travel time: 30 min.


      Clarification: you can do the tours with or without the guide and choose the tours you want to do each day.


      Full Moon Walk


      If your visit coincides with the days of the full moon, we invite you to experience the Falls and the jungle in a unique way with our Full Moon Walk.

      This tour lasts approximately 3 hours and you have the option to hire the dinner service, which is offered in the Restaurant "La Selva" in the Park.

    • 10.Can I schedule my trip on a holiday or rainy day?

      The Park is open every day, even if it rains or is a holiday.

    • 11.Can I visit the Park in times of pandemic?

      Yes. Currently the Park is open, and complies with all the biosafety protocols that are necessary to provide you with an exciting and safe experience.

    • 12. ¿Existe algún tipo de asistencia médica?

      El parque cuenta con un servicio de asistencia médica y enfermería para primeros auxilios, con servicio de ambulancia en la Estación Central y Estación Garganta.

    • 13. ¿Cómo es el clima en la ciudad de Puerto Iguazú?

      La ciudad de Puerto Iguazú posee un clima subtropical sin estación seca, lo que incentiva a visitarla todo el año por sus cálidas temperaturas.

      El mes más caluroso es diciembre, mientras que las temperaturas más bajas se dan en junio y julio, durante la temporada invernal.

    • 14. Is it safe to visit the Park and the Iguazú destination in times of pandemic?

      Yes. The Iguazú destination received the Safe Travels seal at an international level, certifying the safety of the destination, since it complies with all health protocols worldwide. On the other hand, the Park and its open spaces in the open air allow us to comply with social distancing, following all the necessary biosecurity measures, and guaranteeing a safe experience for the visitor.

    • 15.What protocols or mandatory measures must I comply with during my visit?

      It is mandatory that you wear a mask or mask at all times during your walk, that you maintain social distances, and that you constantly sanitize your hands with alcohol gel.

    • 16. ¿Debo llevar alguna protección en particular?

      Se recomienda el uso de repelente de insectos y protector solar en todo momento. Usa ropa y calzado cómodos e hidrátate constantemente para disfrutar a pleno de tu visita. Es fundamental que, para asegurarte una visita segura, utilices barbijo o tapabocas en todo el recorrido y que sanitices tus manos regularmente con alcohol en gel.

    • 17. ¿Cómo debo adaptarme a la vida dentro del Parque?

      Es importante que no toques ni alimentes a los animales del Parque, ya que son especies salvajes y debemos respetar sus hábitos. Sigue las indicaciones del guía que te acompaña durante el recorrido y circula exclusivamente por lugares habilitados al público (pasarelas y senderos). 

      Te recomendamos leer la cartelería indicativa del Parque para disfrutar de una mejor visita y conocer información sobre la flora y fauna del lugar.

    • 18.What days and at what time does the Park currently open, due to the Covid19 pandemic?

      Currently, the Park is open every day of the year from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    • 19.At what times does the Rio Uruguay bus service currently operate from the city of Puerto Iguazú to the Park?

      Obtener info

    • 20.Can I withdraw cash (Argentine pesos) at the Park?

      Existe un cajero automático de la red Link en el Parque.

    • 21.At this time, is the border with Foz do Iguaçu Brazil open to visit the Brazilian side of the Falls?

      -For information on the opening of the border, we recommend you consult with the National Directorate of Migration:

      -To visit the Brazilian side of the Falls:


    Every day of the year from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Attractions included in your ticket

    Visitors Center | Ecological Train | Green Trail | Lower Walk | Upper Walk | Devil's Throat | Macuco Trail

    Show your ID or passport

    You must show a valid ID or Passport. The residence address that appears on the identity document determines the value of the tickets.

    Second consecutive day 50% off

    At the end of the first day of visit, revalidate your tickets, to obtain a 50% discount on the value of your tickets for the second consecutive day.

  • Services+


    Parking with battery recharge service and light mechanical service

    In front of the Access Portal

    Public transport: buses on the Río Uruguay line and Atti taxi service.

    Access Portal

    Ecological Train (cars adapted for wheelchairs and strollers).

    Train Stations

    Free shuttle service for the elderly or disabled

    Access Portal | Central Station and Cataratas Station

    Stroller rentals for babies from 0 to 2 years

    Access Portal | Central Station and Cataratas Station

    Lockers rental

    In the Access Portal

    Free kennels for pets

    In front of the Access Portal

    Medical care and nursing for first aid, with ambulance service

    Central Station and Cataratas Station
  • Insights+

    Do not touch or feed the animals in the Park, they are wild animals.

    Walk through places authorized to the public only (footbridges and trails).

    The Park has free Wi-Fi service and cell phone recharging

    Drink lots of water throughout the day.

    Use bug spray and sunscreen at all times.

    Read and respect the indicative signage of the Park to enjoy a better visit.

    Wear comfortable clothes and shoes for hiking.

    To make your visit more pleasant, we recomment you use a hat and sunglasses.

    Discovering the Park at every step means experiencing intense emotions. To make your visit safe, pleasant and full of unforgettable experiences, here you will find some useful tips.

    Plan your visit in two days:

    The best-known Walk is the Devil´s Throat, but there are other exciting Walks in the Park such as the Lower Walk or Macuco Trail, where you can enjoy every detail of nature.

    Starting your day at the Lower Walk

    And enjoying the refreshing breeze of the Bossetti Fall is an exciting experience: enjoying a walk in the early hours of the day with all the energy available to experience the waterfalls from up close is the best natural vitamin you can find.

    Lower Walk
    Take a break and have a lunch break, enjoy a snack, or hydrate.

    Take advantage of the rest areas of the Park, surrounded by green (a unique natural environment, in a wonderful landscape to breathe fresh air and rest).

    Discover the Visitors Center

    To learn about the flora, fauna and history of the Iguazu Falls, before starting any Route or Walk, to experience the magic of the Park more intensely.

    Visitors Center
    Pay attention to everything around you in the Park

    With your senses heightened to experience life like never before. The Park is the habitat of a variety of species of flora and fauna: among the branches of large trees you can find unique birds in the world, see monkeys in the vegetation, among many other species.

    Suggested crossings
    If your trip coincides with the full moon, enjoy the Walk in the Full Moon.

    The moon and the stars will guide you to the Devil's Throat Balcony where you can marvel at a curtain of silver water that falls with a flow of 1,800 m3 a second.

    Walks in the Full Moon