

Missionaries enjoy another exciting weekend in the Park
11 de September 2020 • Por

Although the Iguazú National Park temporarily closed its doors to visitors from all over the world, it is currently the scene of recreational visits by residents throughout the province of Misiones. The search for contact with nature, in an open and natural space, with a unique environment, is evident. Our visitors are the protagonists, the natural wealth of the Park is the ideal host of one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World.

The Upper Walkway - enabled for hiking - is a path from the top of the falls, on footbridges located on the Upper Iguazú River. It offers visitors a panoramic view of the rainforest and rainbows, the sound of the water, the colors, the pure air and the vegetation... The Adam and Eve Falls, the Bernabé Méndez, the Mbigüá and the view from the balcony of the second largest waterfall in the Park: the San Martín.

Toucans, cascading swifts, the roar of the water and the awakening of the senses... A dream landscape that attracts visitors from all over the world, and that residents from all over the province enjoy once again. All this summons visitors from Misiones, who can enjoy with family, alone or with friends, a different weekend, to relax and rediscover nature.

#Sentilas #IguazuArgentina

Reminder: to make your reservation you must contact us from Wednesday to Thursday from 8 to 14hs. by WhatsApp at +54 3757 531232 (for residents in the province of Misiones) or +54 3757 531259 (for residents in the town of Puerto Iguazu).